About Us
Our Mission
The mission of Sierra House is to improve the prospects of individual achievement for the homeless, youth with developmental disabilities, and low to moderate individuals and families through housing, education, life skills, and community services, and thereby contributing to the long-term stability of our community.
About The Founders
“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old,
he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 32: 6
In 2002, Sierra House was co-founded by Keely Freeman and Gregory Brown in response to a series of tragedies that exploded in the press concerning the starvation and deaths of children who were victims of severe abuse and neglect. The two friends felt compelled to take action to save a segment of our society, at-risk youth ages 18-25 years old.
What was born out of several living room discussions in 2001 is now a nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing the lives of at-risk youth. Sierra House aims to identify, fund, and conduct critical programs to help prepare at-risk youth and youth aging out of the foster care for educational and career opportunities. It also aims to promote healthy lifestyles and emotional stability.
The founders believe that community involvement is paramount and makes a major difference in the raising of children. Through the help of nonprofit organizations, schools, and community resources, at-risk youth will be able to blossom into strong, socially responsible adults.
“Did you know that on any given night
754,000 people in this country are homeless?”
—U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Board of Directors
- Pearlene Fields, President
- Ron Wilson, Vice President
- Patricia Freeman, Trustee
- Charmaine Duke, Secretary
- Tanzania Steele, Trustee
- Elena Spina, Trustee
- Kyra Peralte, Trustee
- Tara Kipnees, Treasurer
- Helen Roberts, Trustee
- William Hunter, Trustee

Sierra House Annual Report 2019