Upon successful completion of the program, each resident is expected to:
Have acquired permanent housing and be equipped with the skills to live independently and productively in the community at-large;
Possess a high school diploma or GED;
Have clearly defined career and/or academic goals;
Be enrolled in a college, job training program, or other form of post-secondary educational programs and/or be employed;
Have satisfactorily completed all on-site educational and personal development programs;
Know how to maintain clean, orderly living conditions;
Be linked with other community and social support services needed for a healthy lifestyle to transition into independent living (e.g. counseling, subsidized housing, drug/alcohol rehabilitation, Educational Opportunity Fund Program, etc.); and
Reunify with family if possible and appropriate.
Sierra House Transitional Program
“Did you know that on any given night 754,000 people in this country are homeless?”
—U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The Sierra House Transitional Program curriculum provides residents with learning activities that will transfer to lifelong independent living skills. Our Transitional Program plays a significant role in closing some of the personal, career, and academic achievement gaps that exist between homeless and abused youth and their mainstream counterparts.
The goal of this rehabilitative program is to teach and prepare homeless and runaway youth, and persons aging out of the foster care system, to live independently within the community at large.
Transitional Program participants learn: Management of daily activities; how to present themselves to prospective employers (including appropriate dress, hygiene, walking, talking, and eye contact); and how to open and maintain a bank account, among other things. Some of the expected program outcomes are for members to acquire stable housing away from people currently using drugs and/or in trouble, to be reunited with parents, to assume responsibility for managing time, and to get credentials in order and be ready to present themselves for job or school training.